公司位于江苏省常州市武进高新区中心区域,交通便利,环境优美。是一家专业生产健身球,玩具球,跳跳球,跳跳马,跳跳鹿,跳跳龙及其它动物的生产厂家,设备先进,技术一流,经验丰富,有一定的开发和设计能力,是大家的首选合作伙伴。业务主要以国内和外贸为主,承接来料加工和来样定做。产品畅销欧美等几十个国家和地区。JQ永远以“质量为本,信誉第一,有‘球’必应”为企业理念,与广大买家建立长久合作关系。 The company is located in jiangsu changzhou wujin high-tech zone center area, enjoys convenient transportation and beautiful environment. Our company is a professional manufacturer of gym ball, toy ball, jumping ball, jumping horse, jumping deer, jumping dragon and other animals. We have advanced equipment , first-class technology and experienced. We have certain ability of development and design. We are your preferred partner. We do bussiness in our own country and abroad. We undertake processing and samples customization. Our product sell well in Europe and America, dozens of countries and regions. JQ w... [